

胞内劳森氏菌感染仅限于肠道,这就是为什么局部免疫 - 即仅限于特定器官或组织的免疫 - 至关重要的原因。一种理想的针对回肠炎的疫苗应该能够引发平衡的免疫反应 - 包括局部免疫和细胞免疫 - 从而消除病原体。口服疫苗已被证明可在肠道层面诱导早期局部免疫。3。

1 Arnold et al 2019: Prevalence of Lawsonia intracellularis in pig herds in different European countries (nih.gov)
2 Vasquez et al, 2019: Impact of vaccination on transmission of Lawsonia intracellularis
Erika Vasquez1 ; Robert Valeris1 ; Dana Beckler2 ; Fabio Vannucci1
50th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Swine Veterinarians (Orlando; March 9-12, 2019)
1College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Minnesota; 2Gut Bugs, Inc, Minnesota
Experimental design
A seeder-pig sentinel model was used (Figure 1). Ninety pigs were divided into three groups: orally vaccinated (Enterisol Ileitis); intramuscularly vaccinated (Porcilis Ileitis) and non-vaccinated. Day 21 post-vaccination, nine seeder pigs were challenged with L. intracellularis. Day 7 post-inoculation, seeder pigs were commingled as described in Figure 1.
Transmission rate and expected probabilities of shedding were assessed with the susceptible-infectious model. Animals were considered infectious when fecal quantitative polymerase chain reaction was equal or more than 103L. intracellularis per gram of feces (Collins et al, 2001).
In practical terms, this would roughly represent a threshold cycle of 31 or less based on the PCR assay offered by the University of Minnesota Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory.
Results and practical implications
- Vaccination against L. intracellularis has been applied over the years with successful reduction of the clinical signs and fecal shedding, and resulting in significant improvement of growth performance in vaccinated animals.
- The assessment of the transmission rate under a non-vaccinated scenario showed that one infectious pig (shedding more than 103 bacteria per gram of feces) is able to transmit L. intracellularis to three susceptible pigs per week.
- From a practical standpoint, if pigs from infected and naïve flows are commingled at 10 weeks of age (end of the nursery phase) the number of infected pigs triplicate within the population every week.
- The results revealed that the chronic nature of the Lawsonia infection at the individual level is also reflected in the transmission of the disease at the population level characterizing a prolonged spreading of the infection in the finishing barn.
- Although the Lawsonia infection can impact the productive performance in the first weeks of the finishing phase when naïve pigs just started getting infected, the clinical diagnosis is only evident when most of the naïve population is infected and some animals are exhibiting diarrhea. This typical clinical scenario is usually observed only at later stages of the finishing phase when the animals are approaching the marketing age and it can misrepresent the actual impact of the disease in terms of performance throughout the growing-finishing phase.
- In the present study, transmission rates were significantly reduced in both vaccinated groups: 1.8 infected pig per week in the orally-vaccinated and 1.7 infected pig per week in the intramuscularly-vaccinated group.
- The model used to predict transmission over time also showed decreasing in the period of fecal shedding of Lawsonia in both vaccinated groups. While the median period of shedding in non-vaccinated animals was 11.2 weeks, orally- and intramuscularly-vaccinated animals showed 6.3 and 8.3 weeks, respectively.
These results highlight the importance of implementing vaccination programs at system level rather than site-specific interventions. This strategy prevents the risk of commingling batches of pigs from vaccinated and non-vaccinated sources, therefore reducing the impact of the disease in downstream flows.
3 Nogueira et al, 2013: Immunological responses to vaccination following experimental Lawsonia intracellularis virulent challenge in pigs - ScienceDirect
4 Beloeil et al, 2004: Risk factors for Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica shedding by market-age pigs in French farrow-to-finish herds - ScienceDirect
5 Guevarra et al, 2021: Oral Vaccination against Lawsonia intracellularis Changes the Intestinal Microbiome in Weaned Piglets
6 Leite et al, 2021: Frontiers | Oral Vaccination Reduces the Effects of Lawsonia intracellularis Challenge on the Swine Small and Large Intestine Microbiome | Veterinary Science (frontiersin.org)
7 Helm et al, 2021: Lawsonia intracellularis infected enterocytes lack sucrase-isomaltase which contributes to reduced pig digestive capacity | Veterinary Research | Full Text (biomedcentral.com)

